Studion ääntä vaimentava akustinen vaahtomuovi seinärakenteessa.


About us

As a renowned sustainability pioneer, Ewona produces high-quality, recycled, and allergy-free acoustic and insulation solutions. Ewona makes creating advanced spaces enjoyable, easy, and quick.
Our commitment to sustainable development, product safety, and ease of use guide all our activities.

Ewonan tehtaat ja tuotteet täyttävät allergiatunnuksen sekä M1-päästö- ja puhtausluokituksen ehdot.

Recycled and safe materials

We take our responsibility for the environment seriously. All our products are manufactured from environmentally friendly, additive-free and recycled materials, and all our products meet the allergy label and the M1 emission and purity classification requirements. The raw materials of the final product are made of up to 85% recycled fibre. The requirements for indoor air quality are constantly becoming more demanding, and we are the only completely allergy-free manufacturer of acoustic solutions on the market. We are proud to meet today’s standards – we are committed to making our products dust-free and allergy safe.

Ewonan pääpaikka on Oulun kupeessa Haukiputaalla.

Made in Finland, with pride

We’re proud to be a Finnish company. Ewona Finland Oy started its operations in Kankaanpää in 2009. The company’s story has been a success ever since, and in 2017 we expanded our “family” with a new factory in Haukipudas. Our company was originally founded in 1986, and its range of products has included furniture and mattress wadding as well as filter mats from the very beginning.  

Ewona Kankaanpään toimpiste

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