Information about cookies

We use cookies on our website. They allow us to collect and analyze the following information:

Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that the browser stores on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. A cookie is not a program, and it does not contain malware or viruses.

How the site uses cookies?

Some cookies are necessary for the functioning of the site. We also receive information through cookies about why you visit our site. With this information, we optimize the site to better meet your needs and interests. Cookies remember things such as products added to the shopping cart, previous site visits, whether you are logged into the site, and the language and currency you use on the site. Cookies also allow you to see our targeted ads on other sites. We use cookies as part of our service to show you content on our site that interests you.

Services that store cookies and the purposes of using cookies are explained under different cookie categories:

  1. Statistical
  2. Marketing

How long are cookies stored?

The validity period of cookies stored on devices and browsers varies. The cookie’s validity period is counted from the last time you visited the site. When the cookie’s validity period expires, it is automatically deleted. The validity periods of all our cookies are stated in our cookie policy.

Blocking or deleting cookies

You can block all cookies and/or third-party cookies at any time by changing the browser settings on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The location of these settings depends on the browser you are using. However, please note that if you block all cookies and/or third-party cookies, you may not be able to use all the functions and services of the site (as their operation relies on cookies).
You can choose to disable Google Analytics cookies through this link.

How are cookies deleted?

Cookies that you have previously accepted are easy to delete. The deletion method depends on the browser you are using (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and the device (smartphone, tablet, PC, Mac). Cookies are usually deleted in the security and privacy settings of the settings menu, but this is browser-specific. Specify the device/browser you are using (click on their links):

Changing your consent

You can change your consent by either deleting cookies from your browser or changing your previous choice by clicking the link below: Change your consent by clicking here.

Please note: If you use more than one browser, delete cookies from all of them.

Do you have any questions?

If you want to send us feedback or have questions about this information or the processing of your data, please contact us. Cookie Information updates the cookie policy once a month. If you have questions about our cookie policy, please contact Cookie Information through their website.

The cookie policy was last updated on 13.06.2022.